Does becoming a woman retain the belief in a ‘mimetic relation of gender to sex whereby gender mirrors sex or is restricted by it?’ (J.Butler 1990).
What does it mean to be a woman?
It seems to me, to be inexplicable, when I ask myself the question: What does it mean to be a woman?
And if in accordance to Simone de‘Beauvior;
‘one is not born a woman, but rather, becomes one’
How, does one become one?
What does it mean to be a woman?
What is a woman?
Is there a fixed template on becoming one?
Does becoming a woman differentiate geographically?
Is it culturally constructed?
What does it mean to be a woman?
How do we read, woman?
What are the signs,codes?
Are there signs, codes?
How does one recognise, whether one has become one; or not?
What does it mean to be a woman?
Does one need to have a point of departure, for example; after being born a person, does ones biological and chromosomal arrangement hold sway on whether becoming a woman is a viable option?
Is there an option?
If so, is it viable?
What does it mean to be a woman?
Is woman a construct to fit with a dumbing down phenomena of ‘keeping it simple;' where notions of duality and rigidity exist designed to teach us, for instance; good-bad, right-wrong, right-left, positive-negative, black-white, fat-thin, in-out, up-down, girl-boy, woman-man, feminine-masculine....?
What does it mean to be a woman?
One could argue a point of departure for becoming a woman, is to grow up as a girl.
What does it mean to grow up as a girl?
What does it mean to be a girl?

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